Tour of Santa Clara River Arundo (USCR Agencies Series)

April 20, 2023

Tour Site 1 – Google Maps: Site 1 Location & Parking

We will begin with a tour of a Santa Clara River habitat restoration site near the historic Iron Horse Bridge, led by Heather Merenda, City of Santa Clarita, and Diane Trautman of the Sierra Club. Come learn how the City of Santa Clara is working with partners and the community on a comprehensive plan to remove invasive giant reed (Arundo donax) and restore the Santa Clara River (SCR) watershed.

Tour Site 2 – Google Maps: Site 2 Location & Parking

The second tour stop will be at the Cienega Springs Ecological Reserve, 283 acres of degraded river channel and floodplain. You’ll hear from Santa Clara Conservancy’s Director, Shawn Kelly, and UC Santa Barbara Research Associate, Evan Hobson, about their efforts to restore the Reserve by creating a mosaic of wetland and riparian habitat types as well as public access to the river. This project is improving the site’s native habitat and hydrology for surface water retention and groundwater recharge, while providing wildlife-oriented recreational opportunities for the surrounding disadvantaged communities. For additional information on this project – click here.

Also on the tour will be Watershed Coordinators, Lara Shellenbarger and Amanda Begley

For a detailed schedule and more information on the tours, please visit

View the event summary here.

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