Ventura Avenue Community Climate Resiliency Workshop
CAUSE and the WaterTalks team hosted an in-person workshop to identify local water and climate resilience issues, and over 60 West Ventura residents participated. Attendees divided into two groups; English speakers and Spanish speakers, and rotated through two map stations: 1. Water access, trees/shade and native plants and 2. Flooding and native plants, mudslides and wildfire. Exercises included locating specific areas where more shade and water access is needed, as well as areas of flooding and climate concerns.
View the event summary here in English | Spanish to learn more.
The Watertalks Needs Assessment Report
The Needs Assessment Report summarizes data and analysis of community input regarding water-related needs and issues. Input was received through outreach to communities and institutions, including surveys and community engagement events in 2019-2020.
Funding for Disadvantaged Community Involvement Program (DACIP) Projects in Ventura County
In 2022, WaterTalks invited interested parties in Ventura County to respond to the Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking competitive projects that would benefit DACs, economically distressed areas (EDAs), and other underrepresented communities in Ventura County. A webinar was held to guide interested parties through the proposal process, which you can view at the link below. As this grant-funded program has come to a close, processing of new proposals has gone on hold. To learn more about other sources for potential project funding, please read the State Revolving Funds Module.
WaterTalks Funded DACIP Projects in Ventura:
Learn more about Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM)
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WaterTalks Newpaper
View the WaterTalks Newspaper to learn about water in Ventura County:
Past Ventura Events and Resources
Click on an event to access related materials, recordings and other information.
Lynn Rodriguez
WCVC Project Manager